Amusement Parks for People with Special Needs

August 4, 2017By: VocoVision

Summer vacations are a great opportunity to get away to a place far from home where you can relax and enjoy your time. When you have a special needs child, the planning for such a relaxing trip gets more difficult; the parents of many of our patients know this well. You have to anticipate every possible situation that might cause a child distress and lead to a possible meltdown. You think they might enjoy one event, and then when you get there, they hate it. But kids should be able to experience the world around them, regardless of their special needs. They need to be socialized so that they can learn social nuances and meet other people. But other people often don’t understand the importance of a day excursion; kids who are different become an inconvenience to them, and people are irritated by what we consider an ordinary breakdown due to overstimulation. If anything, other people add more stress to excursions than a special needs family member.

In 2010, a theme park called Morgan’s Wonderland opened in San Antonio. It looks like any other theme park with rides, parks, restaurants, and shopping. The twist? It caters to the special needs community. Children of all ages are able to stroll through wide and spacious areas and visit various themed playground areas to get in some serious play time. There is a sensory village, so that they can explore new sensations and touch what they are most comfortable with. Rides that cater to a variety of physical needs are available; wheelchair swings are one of the most popular!

Everyone at Morgan’s Wonderland is compassionate to those who are differently-abled. There are no irritated sighs, glares, or eye rolls from people who don’t understand. In this space, you are more likely to be offered assistance should you need it!

This year, Morgan’s Wonderland has expanded their park to include a splash park called Inspiration Park. Now your hot summer days can be filled with cool water to shake off the Texas heat. If a loved one relies on a wheelchair, never fear! Inspiration Park will provide waterproof wheelchairs that will fit all sizes and heights for the attendee. There is no extra fee, and the staff will assist in sizing your loved one to the appropriate chair for use. What better way to spend your vacation than at an amusement park that includes everyone! This is a great place for therapists and caregivers to suggest to family members who are looking for safe and friendly vacation spots.