Everyday Speech Therapy Exercises

By: VocoVisionReviewed By: Director Clinical Services, Miss Melissa D. White, M.A., CCC-SLP

There are numerous speech disorders that call for the utilization of speech therapy for children. Whether it’s working on a speech impediment or dealing with an autism-related speech issue, speech therapy is very important to a child’s growth. However, many families struggle with speech therapy homework due to time constraints or a lack of resources,. Here are a few ways to accomplish the homework tasks while not adding to the stress of your everyday routine.

Language and Daily Routine

One of the easiest ways to tackle the time constraints issue is to incorporate your speech therapy homework in to  your established daily routine. For younger children, practice activities can be  included  during meals, play, and bath time. During mealtime, you could work on simple requests for help when the child cannot open a container or would like a little extra butter on their potato. A child that is working on vocabulary goals and identifying objects on the table.  Older children that are working on articulation goals can tell about their day while focusing on using their speech sound. 

Resources for Speech Therapy Exercises

If your child is struggling with practice fatigue and you would like to find resources to help with  speech therapy homework, you can find free speech therapy exercises that can help activities be more engaging. Firstly, ask the speech therapist if they can provide you with a homework folder.  This folder should have activities that that the student is ready to do at home.  Also ask if they have  recommendations for websites that have audible books, printable worksheets and quick online games.

Free Speech Therapy Exercises

Speech therapists love to incorporate games to help reinforce new skills.   It’s fun and engaging and children are more likely to retain the information if they are enjoying the work. However, you do not have to go to the nearest toy store and load up on a bunch of games. Tic Tac Toe, 20 Questions and I Spy are examples of games that can be played at home and make speech therapy homework more enjoyable. Old game boards, dice, and spinners can be used to get some speech practice in.

Remember if you find yourself struggling with getting your child to practice or complete their speech homework, ask your SLP for help.  They understand that you are juggling multiple priorities and don’t want you and your child to be successful and not cause undue stress.  Ask about ways to incorporate the practice into your daily activities and routines.

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