Holiday Ideas for Virtual SLP Students

November 23, 2021By: VocoVision

We’re embarking on a season that can be fun and exciting but also overwhelming for students and teletherapists alike. But we’re here to help take some of that stress away and allow you to focus on enjoying the season with your students! That’s why we’ve put together some holiday ideas for virtual SLP students. 

Remember: there’s a lot going on during this season. Stick to your routine, but make time for fun games and activities to celebrate the holidays together. 

Some games and activities for you and your SLP students:

A Christmas tree decorating activity. This activity helps you guide your students through listening and spoken language. Children listen to your directions then decorate the Christmas trees on their own. You can download this activity here.

A “What” questions board game. ​​This game is used to boost engagement and excitement during speech therapy sessions. You can even create your own holiday-themed “what” board! You can download this board game here.

Give students some games and activities to complete over their break 

This can act as a gift for your students’ parents as well! Send over some worksheets as well as links to games and activities that your students can complete at home. If needed, send a note to your students’ parents guiding them on how to best help them on their break. 

You can also send your students’ parents a list of fun at-home activities they can complete together along with some things for parents to look out for. Some examples include:

  • Baking together and teaching them new words
  • Building a snowman while going over words pertaining to building (stack, roll, scoop, etc.)
  • Decorating together while talking through different shapes being used

Enjoy this season with your students! 

If you’re already a VocoVision teletherapist, you have access to helpful resources as well as our community of teletherapists who are here to assist you. 
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