What SLPs Need to Know About Licensing

November 2, 2018By: VocoVision

slp telepractice licensingMost therapy and education professionals have a plethora of questions before jumping into telepractice – we don’t blame you! The information is out there, but it can be time-consuming to uncover it all at once. We’re dedicated to making that part easier for you. We’re starting off by discussing an essential subject that is required for any clinician before they start – obtaining the required licenses and credentials to work as a teletherapist. We’re answering some of the common questions about licensing right here.

What’s required of SLPs to provide teletherapy services to students in multiple states?

Let’s start with an example. An SLP living in Georgia wants to take on a teletherapy assignment, providing services to students in California. In order to start, the SLP must hold an active license in your home state (i.e. a Georgia SLP license), and an active license in the state your students are located. Check with the state speech association board to see if there’s a way to rush the process or if it’s acceptable to provide services while your license is pending. Many states have started developing regulations and requirements for telepractice, so it helps to keep up with all stipulations.

Telepractice Requirements and Reimbursement

Do SLPs need to obtain school credentials along with a license?

It depends on the state’s requirements. For the states that have telepractice regulations in place, think of the license and credential requirements as if the therapist was actually living and working in that state. For example, a clinician living and working in California would have to obtain a state license and a teaching credential in order to provide services to students. Your best bet is to check with the specific speech state association board to confirm which are necessary.

Can SLPs provide services to clients outside of their home country?

Yes! First, speech pathologists need to have an active license in good standing in their home state. Next, confirm requirements for the specific country their clients or students are sitting in by contacting that country’s speech association or government agency that regulates speech pathology. Ideally, the clinician will be fluent in the other country’s language in order to communicate comfortably. If needed, an interpreter or assistant can partner with the teletherapist to help with translating before, during, and after sessions.


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Already set with licensing and ready to start your journey into telepractice? Check out our latest openings here.