VocoVision Software
If viewing this instruction on a mobile device, navigate to vocovision.com/support from the district computer to access necessary download links.

Installing the VocoVision software on your district computer
- Download the VocoVision Software.
- After the file downloads, extract it, and click on the extracted “VocoSetup” application.
- Towards the end of the installation make sure you that you uncheck “launch application after the installation” to prevent the application from launching after completion.
- Download Zoom Client. This is the correct version of Zoom needed for the VocoVision software.
- Once Zoom is installed, open and sign into the VocoVision software with the credentials you were provided via email for your district.
- Once complete you can just click open VocoVision, view your schedule, and you are good to go!
Sites to Whitelist
The VocoVision software doesn't utilize any unusual ports, but if your district has strict firewall policies or filtering in place, we do recommend the following sites to 'whitelist':
- Zoom
- Zoom network firewall or proxy server settings (if needed)
- VocoVision
- VocoWire - use wildcard
- This will include all subdomains under VocoWire
Technical Specifications
Preferred Device
Our preference is to use a computer running an Intel i5 or better (or comparable) processor with a minimum of 4+GB of RAM. Our software is low demand so those specs help ensure the best user experience with minimal disruption. A Windows environment is highly preferred, but Macs can work just as well with our software. We do not support Chromebooks/Tablets to function as a VocoVision Work Station.
Operating System
The operating system requirements: Windows 10 OS X 10.14 or Higher.
Audio & Video Requirements
Teletherapy services require audio and video so you will need a webcam, microphone, and speakers. Most PC systems have the hardware integrated so that should work fine in most cases. Some districts have better results using external conference microphone or headset(s) so that might be something to keep in mind if the integrated solution does not work well enough for you.
Software Installation
Two pieces of software need to be installed. The first is the VocoVision Scheduling Software. It's a simple program that makes it easy for schools to sync up with their scheduled therapy sessions. The second is our teleconferencing software - Zoom. It's a proven reliable and well supported web conferencing platform with robust features.
Internet Speed
The network demand from Zoom requires the minimum internet speeds of: 15Mbps Download - 3Mbps upload.
Ethernet & Internet
Our solution requires the computer to have local-Lan access preferable wired Ethernet, and be able to transverse traffic over the Internet, if wired Ethernet is not an option you can utilize WiFi.