What does a speech-language pathologist (SLP) teletherapist do?
At VocoVision, we work with the world’s premier speech-language pathologists (SLP) to help them transfer their specialized skill sets to a virtual setting. Just like an in-person SLP, the duties of our teletherapists change from student to student, depending on their individual challenges. Our SLPs offer treatment and assessment through telepractice and serve clients with differing needs, including:
Developmental Disabilities
Different developmental disabilities can impede the progress of your student’s speech and language skills. VocoVision’s highly-qualified SLPs can assess and use a wide range of techniques that will allow your students to shine.
Language Impairments
Addressing language impairments is one of the most important parts of a speech-language pathologist’s job. Providing telespeech services to students with language impairments is effectively done through the use of digital workbooks, software programs, and online activities.
Literacy & Written Language
A student’s ability to fully understand grammar, sentence, narrative, and expository structures is connected to a student’s ability to speak. Our SLPs utilize a variety of digital programs to support reading interventions and also provide direct intervention for written language needs through our teleconferencing platform.
Voice or Resonance Disorders
Our therapists understand the importance of addressing any voice or resonance disorders your students may have. By offering corrective treatment, VocoVision’s SLPs can allow children to gain back the confidence they need to succeed in and out of the classroom.
Articulation Disorders
Students with an articulation impairment experience difficulty with the movement of their speech mechanism. VocoVision’s telespeech professionals use techniques to help your students understand the difference between correct and incorrect sounds in syllables, words, and sentences.
A student with Apraxia experiences difficulty with articulation as a result of motor planning / coordination issues. Typically, faster progress has been seen in students with Apraxia through the use of frequent and individual teletherapy sessions.
Auditory Processing Disorders
Students with an auditory processing disorder have trouble processing different sounds which can make it difficult to understand what people are saying. Our telespeech providers will work to develop your students’ conversational and listening skills so they can better distinguish sounds.
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Since the needs of students who fall on the Autism Spectrum Disorder vary so does their method of treatment. Our SLPs will work remotely with your students to design and create individualized treatment plans that help correct any speech and language issues.
Fluency Stuttering
Stuttering is a common yet complex speech issue many students experience at some point. To treat this more complex speech issue, VocoVision’s teletherapists address five different components in a student that might be impacting their fluency.
Other speech conditions
There is a wide range of speech conditions that can hinder your students’ ability to thrive academically and socially. Through telespeech, providers can diagnose, assess, and create a comprehensive treatment plan to correct these speech conditions your students may have.

How does telepractice speech therapy work?
Telepractice speech therapy is not a pre-recorded video. We connect you with highly qualified, live SLPs who interact with your students via our innovative VocoVision technology. VocoVision’s telespeech providers will provide your students with the same quality of service that is expected from on-site services. They will ensure that progress on their goals is made in an engaging and interactive therapy environment using our interactive technology. Our telepractioners are still able to create IEPs and collaborate virtually with your teachers, special educators, interpreters, aides, and parents to ensure that your student is on track to reach their full potential. Before our teleservices begin, all involved parties are properly onboarded to use the VocoVision teletherapy technology, this way there are no delays or interruptions in your students’ treatment.

Benefits of SLP teletherapy for schools
The demand for speech therapists is rapidly rising. This coupled with the location of your school district makes it challenging to find and recruit quality SLPs. VocoVision is here to help you rise above those challenges. When you partner with us, you’re providing your students access to the country’s premier SLP teletherapists over a highly educational and engaging platform, and you are no longer limited to your immediate location. Not to mention, some students prefer to use a teletherapy device and find it more engaging. On the same note, not having another professional in the classroom can be less distracting and intrusive for surrounding students. But don’t take our word for it—even the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has recognized teletherapy as a proven means to deliver effective speech therapy.