11 Speech Therapy Rewards
Finding rewards for speech therapy students can be difficult. The most popular and easiest option for many SLPs is a candy jar or other sweet treat mired in sugar. But is that the best option? Read...
Read MoreFinding rewards for speech therapy students can be difficult. The most popular and easiest option for many SLPs is a candy jar or other sweet treat mired in sugar. But is that the best option? Read...
Read MoreHypernasality is common in children that have certain preexisting conditions, but what exactly is it? This blog will answer that question and take a deep dive into Hypernasality – from diagnosis to treatment. Read...
Read MoreStuttering can cause anxiety for children, but there are various ways to control it. From quick fixes to powerful speech therapies, there are many solutions for the different forms of stuttering. Read...
Read MoreSpeech therapy is often thought to be mainly used for young children developing their communication abilities. However, students and children are not the only ones that can greatly benefit from speech therapy. In this blog, we dive into why speech intervention for seniors is extremely important and effective...
Read MoreLearning English is challenging as a native speaker. The grammar rules and pronunciations are difficult enough to require lessons in every year of public education. For non-native speakers, who are accustomed to entirely different rules and pronunciations, it is far more difficult. To add to the difficulty...
Read MoreWhether we realize it or not, our speech and social skills are closely linked. The ability to communicate effectively in a social setting is often overlooked but it’s a necessary skill for children to learn. Some children may have no issues playing, sharing, or communicating with classmates and teachers;...
Read MoreIt is not uncommon for children to have lisps. So for this blog we take a deep look at exactly what a lisp is, the different types of lisp, and how speech therapy can be an effective treatment. Read...
Read MoreAs children enter school play needs to be an important part of the therapy process. This is especially true for preschoolers. Children at the preschool age are at the beginning of their school journey but are also learning how to balance structured activities with play. Play keeps learning fun for...
Read MoreIn the ever-evolving world of speech therapy, therapists are continually looking for new innovations. Boom Cards are one such tool, providing speech therapists an effective way to engage students. Read...
Read MoreAnomic aphasia presents as an inability to consistently produce the appropriate words for things a person wishes to talk about. This is particularly evident when the individual requires a noun or a verb. The disorder is known by several names, including amnesic aphasia, dysnomia, and nominal aphasia. Read...
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